Number 45

Military history is in the spotlight this year. While a first study attempts to restore the way of life and the identity of the soldiers of the Spanish garrison of Monaco, installed in the Principality between 1605 and 1641 within the framework of the Spanish protectorate, another article tells the story of the military career of Prince Honoré III at the head of the regiment of Monaco, in the French army, between 1739 and 1749, during the War of the Austrian Succession.
Important item in the collections of the Prince's Palace, a portrait of Jeanne Grimaldi Trivulce, sister of Honoré II, dated from the beginning of the 17th century and until now attributed to the Provençal painter Bernardin Mimault, is the subject of a new attribution: Alfonso Pozzobonelli, a Milanese.
Contemporary history is also the subject of several subjects. The two medals struck in the monetary workshop of the princely palace at the end of the reign of Prince Honoré V are interpreted as a mirror of sovereignty, through the reflection of two particular events: a visit by the consul of France, and the development of 'a bridge over the Careï, in Menton, in 1838.
Lichtenstein Castle in Württemberg houses to a French library of around 3,500 volumes, much of it from Princess Florestine of Monaco's legacy of her father Florestan I. His installation in Germany result from the alliance in 1863 between this sister of Prince Charles III and Frederick William of Württemberg. A study of the titles present in this library allows us to understand part of the tastes and literary culture of the Grimaldis of Monaco in the 19th century.
In preparation for the commemorations of the centenary of the disappearance of Prince Albert I in 2022, an article reviews the conditions and context of the publication of the first edition of his major work: La carrière d’un navigateur, in 1902. This The study follows the one, published in 2020, on the writing of these autobiographical accounts in the form of journal articles.
As an epilogue to the subject of the Spanish garrison in Monaco, the document of the year looks back on his expulsion from the Principality on November 17, 1641, from a source never before studied, a contemporary French testimony, published only one month ago after the event.
(full texts in French)